Important! If using button below, Please add your 6 digit AGVA ID number after your last name (i.e. Johnson123456)
Important! If using this button your AGVA ID will not be noted. If your PayPal name differs from your name on file with AGVA or you are paying for someone else, please include your AGVA ID in "notes to seller" or email membership with instructions.
Pay dues and initiation by phone with Credit or Debit card!
Call (212)-675-1003 ext. 104 10am-5pm M-F EST
If you have been offered an AGVA contract, you are now eligible for the many protections, benefits and advantages of AGVA membership. You will be supplied with an AGVA Membership Kit and AGVA Application form which must be completed and submitted to AGVA. For further information about this, please call the AGVA Membership Department at 212-675-1003 ext. 104 or contact the Membership Department at
You may also join AGVA if you are in Independent Variety Artist and Self-Produce shows and appearances. If you would like to join AGVA without an AGVA Agreement, contact the membership department for an application. You will submit your resume as well as promotional materials and professional references and reviews of your work for consideration by the membership committee.
If you are working under an AGVA contract in a Right-To-Work State, which does not require you to join the union in order to work under an AGVA contract, you are eligible and may still choose to join AGVA.
The Advantages of Joining AGVA:
Joining AGVA requires a one-time Initiation fee of $750.This fee must be paid in full no later than 30 days after your first day of work under an AGVA agreement unless you have been offered and executed a deduction rider by your Employer.
AGVA does not assess weekly "working dues", which other unions take out of their Members' pay checks on a weekly basis. Working dues are generally in addition to annual basic dues, however, the only dues assessed by AGVA are those billed three times annually based on the earnings chart below. Members can have their annual dues paid through payroll deduction, instead of paying when billed. You have the use of your earnings but are responsible to pay your dues when they are billed. Dues are assessed yearly, and invoices mailed each April 1st, August 1st, and December 1st. Dues rates are based on your previous year's AGVA earnings. PLEASE KEEP YOUR MAILING ADDRESS UP TO DATE WITH AGVA BY EMAILING THE MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT.
Please remain current because if your dues are not paid in full, you will not be eligible to work under any AGVA contracts.
The dues schedule listed below indicates earnings (up to and including) upon which your dues are based, amount of dues to be remitted each billing period and the cumulative yearly amount.
AGVA dues periods
April 1st, August 1st, December 1st
1. $0 - 4,999=$72/year ($24x3)
2. 5,000 - 9,999=$96/year ($32x3)
3. 10,000 - 14,999=$132/year ($44x3)
4. 15,000 - 24,999=$234/year ($78x3)
5. 25,000 - 34,999=$540/year ($180x3)
6. 35,000 or more=$795/year ($265x3)
All members must remain active and in good standing after joining AGVA to work under AGVA agreements. Good standing requires that your Initiation is paid in full and you are current and paid up on your periodic dues.
Failure to pay your dues will result in suspension of membership. Dues will continue to accrue during your suspension and all past dues must be paid in full to become active again.
Members in good standing can request their membership to be frozen provided that they have been a member in good standing for a full year with their initiation paid in full and have paid dues through the current dues period. You must send a written request through email or to the national office to request Honorary Withdrawal and the Membership department will send a form to be completed and returned to the office. Honorary Withdrawal will freeze all periodic dues indefinitely or until the member requests reinstatement. There is a $25 reinstatement fee to become active again.
Thania Guzman
AGVA Director and Administrator of Membership
212-675-1003 ext. 104
American Guild of Variety Artists
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